Jennifer Soldner INFJ
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Comment Policy

Comment Policy

While I welcome you to comment, I do ask that you follow the age old rule of “if you do not have anything nice to say, please do not say anything at all.”  I welcome differing opinions and am open to discussions; however, all comments should be respectful and non-judgmental to myself and my readers.
Before commenting, please review my policies:
  • Comments containing rude, disrespectful or inappropriate content will be deleted.  This site is ‘G’ rated.
  • For the privacy of myself and my family, I choose not to disclose personal information.  If you know myself or my family, please refrain from using names, locations, or any other personal information.
  • Any link that does not directly pertain to the topic of discussion will be removed.
  • Generic comments which contain links posted only to drive traffic to another site will be considered spam and will be deleted.
  • Once posted, all comments become property of  I reserve the right to edit, reuse or delete any comment.  I will never purposely edit a comment to change the intended meaning or purpose.
  • I reserve the right to delete any comment I feel does not follow the above guidelines.
Thank you in advance for respecting these guidelines as well as one another.  I look forward to the many insightful comments you have to offer!


  1. Hello

    i noticed your board on sexual abuse on pinterest and was encouraged by your work. I have recently started pinning tag lines from a collection of poems and stories that i have compiled.

    I am male, sexual abused by both my parents from 4-16. The issue of the sexual abuse of men, especial by their parents if not a 'dinner conversation' as a society we are prepared to have. The work deals with the effects of sexual abuse and pornography on men and subsequently there wives and children.

    I have released an abridged version of the book at

    If you have time, i would appreciate your feedback, if your interested in the project, your support.

    my email is:


  2. I am just glad to know that there are other people out there like me. Yes, I have always been puzzled as to why other people don't "get" me. And I have wondered why I have such high standards for myself that I can barely reach, yet have compassion on others and am able to accept them just as they are. Now I know why people say I have a gift for writing and putting my thoughts on paper. That's the only way I can really say what I am thinking as an INFJ! My intuition has been spooky at times. Now I know that there are others that are just "feeling" the truth around them too that no one else really sees. Thanks for a great informative site!

  3. Hi, Jennifer! I just wanted to take a moment to leave a comment on your website because frankly you deserve it. The breadth of information you provide is worthwhile, enriching, satisfying, and more. Please excuse this potentially intrusive part of my comment, but whatever challenges you may have had to overcome to be able to offer such a gift to others was worth it. Thank you. This “other” appreciates and values your gift. Bless you and be well.

    1. Thank you so much, Jennifer, for taking the time to leave such an uplifting comment. I sincerely appreciate your kind words. Bless you. :-)


I love hearing from you! While differing opinions are more than welcome, please keep comments appropriate and friendly. Any comment that directly attacks myself or another will be removed. Thank you!